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October Planting Tips

1st Week of October

  • Annuals, Perennials, Shrubs, and Trees
    • Remove annuals as they finish or are frost damaged.
    • Keep watering until it freezes.  Plants still need the moisture to help them make it through the winter. 
    • In case you missed that one or two evergreens in your yard, you are not to late to trim.  October 15th is your deadline.  Trimming of bushes allows new growth.  We want shrubs to harden off for the winter.  If you trim too late, you can cause winter burn on the tips. 
    • Plant evergreens up until early October or wait until the following spring.  They have slow growing roots and need more time in the fall to establish. 

2nd Week of October

  • Annuals, Lawns, Perennials, Shrubs, and Trees
    • Begin to clean out beds.
    • It is time to plant spring blooming bulbs like daffodils and tulips.
    • Aerifications should be finishing up.
    • Keeps beds clear of leaves and other debris.  The snow may hit early and you want to have everything put to bed for winter.
    • Start putting animal barriers out.  Chicken wire or hardware cloth cages will keep rabbits out.
    • Fertilize, mulch, and make sure they are watered in well and continue to water up to the first real heavy frost. 

3rd Week of October

  • Annuals, Lawns, Shrubs, and Trees
    • Dig up Canna bulbs, Calla lily's, and Elephant Ears that need to be brought in for winter.  Bury Elephant Ears in a pot and water sparingly every two weeks.  Canna's and Calla's should be kept in a dark bag in a cool dry place in the basement.
    • Leaves are a constant chore.
    • Now is the best time to plant trees.  The risk for wind damage is reduced once the leaves have fallen. 

4th Week of October

  • Lawns and Perennials
    • One last fertilizer application at the end of October will help lawns green up in spring.
    • Except for plants that are to be left up for winter interest, everything should be cut down, divided, and cleaned up.

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Stuart's Landscaping & Garden Center 
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